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Información para su vacaciónes en Costa Rica
Hoteles, Restaurantes, Transporte, Fotos. www.costaricaweb.de www.costaricaweb.de
Infos fuer den Costa Rica Urlaub
Hotels, Restaurants, Busse
uebersichtlich auf Karten dargestellt.
MEMBER OF costaricaweb.de - JOIN NOW

Why should I become costaricaweb.de member ?
On the website www.costaricaweb.de will be included all hotels, hostels, cabinas ... of Costa Rica, most of them on accommodation maps. Your property will be present on Internet and tourists will see the location on map and can get with one click a picture and textinformation of your property (see example San Jose accommodation map). If you have an own website you will get addionally 8 links to your website (english,spanish,german,dutch in 1024x768 and 800x600 screen resolution).

Can I participate with costaricaweb.de without to be a member?
Yes. The include of a dot in the accommodation map is free. Your accommodation with address and phone number will be shown. No links are available. Please ask per mail to the webmaster for include.

Who can get member of costaricaweb.de ?
Costaricaweb.de memberchip is for owners or manager of properties located in Costa Rica.

How much cost me a costaricaweb.de memberchip ?
The memberchip fee is 24 US-$ a year.

How can I become costaricaweb.de member ?
Fill out our registration form and we will be answer soon.
